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Circular economy and recovery

Industrial by-products are often a source of new, valuable materials after appropriate transformations. The development of the necessary technologies to convert these by-products into high-value materials requires a rigorous approach, in-depth technical knowledge, and specific expertise in raw material processing. This transformation also necessitates the ability to conduct laboratory and pilot-scale testing to validate processes and optimize results.

Aware of these challenges, Lessine leverages its expertise in bulk product processing, combined with its testing and pilot facilities, to actively support initiatives for the recovery of industrial by-products and underutilized materials. Through this approach, Lessine contributes to the circular economy by transforming by-products into valuable resources, thereby reducing environmental impact and promoting more sustainable resource use.

Each project is approached with careful consideration of economic criteria, process confidentiality, and the specific characteristics of the materials being processed. With these factors in mind, Lessine offers customized solutions, optimized to meet the unique needs of each client, while actively contributing to the preservation of the planet.


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