Laboratory drum mix master
Lessine’s laboratory drum mix master offers an ideal solution for mixing and homogenizing small quantities of powders, granules, and other bulk products.
Lessine’s laboratory drum mix master offers an ideal solution for mixing and homogenizing small quantities of powders, granules, and other bulk products.
essine’s ribbon blenders offer an ideal solution for continuous or batch mixing and homogenization without forcing or altering product properties.
Lessine’s industrial paddle mixers provide effective solutions for homogenizing and incorporating new elements into your formulations, ensuring a high-quality blend.
Lessine’s ploughshare mixers deliver energetic and rapid mixing for demanding powders and blends, ensuring perfect homogenization in minimal time.
Lessine’s biconic blenders are designed for gentle homogenization of simple blends.
Lessine’s rotary drum mixers are designed for gentle mixing that preserves the properties of the products.