Ploughshare mixer
Lessine’s ploughshare mixers deliver energetic and rapid mixing for demanding powders and blends, ensuring perfect homogenization in minimal time.
Lessine’s ploughshare mixers deliver energetic and rapid mixing for demanding powders and blends, ensuring perfect homogenization in minimal time.
Lessine’s drum mix master enable effective batch homogenization or re-homogenization in drums of all sizes and designs.
Lessine’s biconic blenders are designed for gentle homogenization of simple blends.
Lessine’s rotary drum mixers are designed for gentle mixing that preserves the properties of the products.
Lessine’s laboratory ball mills offer an ideal solution for milling small quantities in batches.
Lessine’s continuous ball mills provide milling through impact, friction, and attrition with a wide range of output rates.
Lessine’s batch ball mills are designed for reducing a variety of materials to powder, regardless of hardness, achieving an output fineness of up to 5µ.
Lessine’s fertilizer hammer-roller mills are designed to efficiently process wet, sticky, or challenging materials.